Custom Soap Boxes

(607) 926-6254

(607) 926-6254

They say a satisfied customer attracts 10 and a dissatisfied customer repels 100 

So the crux of this saying is that where good marketing or good product quality attracts you ten customers, bad word of mouth can cost you a hundred. This is the main theme behind designing catchy soap labels which work out both for your brands and customers.  

Brands pay a hefty amount of attention to making their products i.e., soaps stand out in a retail market that is already congested with similar retailers. From the use of ingredients to their percentage and aromas, they pay attention to every little detail, so that the result can be satisfying for their customers and fit the namesake of the brand. 

Now that you have paid attention to making the product of the highest quality, it is high time to pay attention to the other aspects of brand recognition – visibility. 

In a market where similar products are already raking in big numbers what can a brand do that will make their product stand out? 

Well, they can try to catch the attention of the customers by using the right tools for grabbing their attention. Catchy slogans and enticing soap labels are the way to do that. These are the essential parts of your packaging and educate your customer about your product. In addition to building their knowledge base, catchy labels also provide them with venues to get premium advertising about the products as well. 

So, if we are to sum up this, its advertising and information are both under the budget of packaging. Therefore it is an important avenue and brands need to take great measures to promise their customers the best of these soap packaging services, especially catchy slogans and labels. 


Why is Customization of Soap Labels Required?

Think like a customer, think like your target population and then analyze the market dynamics. If you are to go shopping for soaps what are the things that you are looking out for in a product? Ingredients, production of lather, aroma and alignment with the international standards. 

Now where would you find all those things? Do you look up that brand online? Do you visit the customer reviews? Yes, you may.  But the first thing that you check out is the product’s label. The label is like a profile of what’s in it and what the perks of its. It’s like a small, real-time advertisement of the soap product. 

Every brand will be doing that, they will be providing their dedicated customer base with this set of knowledge. If you wish to stand out from the crowd, you have to do it differently. Rather then giving them everything and just throwing knowledge on them, build their curiosity, answer their problem, identify the market gaps and procure a custom soap label which successfully delivers on all possible fronts. 

This is what your customers are looking for. Innovation, creativity and something which just grabs their attention from the get-go. Trust us it is doable and not impossible to achieve. 

What are the Must-haves in a Soap Label?

Your soap label does not only have to be pretty it should deliver the message as well. It should communicate with the customers and should also contain information which the customer is looking for. 

Here are some of the things which should be present on it: 

Its Ingredients

This is also known as the what’s it made of section. For instance, those soaps that are made by using animal fat or vegetable oil are termed as true soaps. CPSC or Consumer Product Safety Commission states that every product should be labeled correctly and then presented in the retail industry. In case there are some other materials which you are using as the base of the soap, then you have to mention those ingredients separately on the soap packaging. Go through the FDA’s list and then finalize a label for your brand. 

Ingredients Which are Responsible for Cleaning

Every soap should have some cleaning ingredients which are responsible for making it antiseptic and are responsible for lather production. The presence of these ingredients is what makes the product – a soap. In case there are some other synthetic materials which are present in the soap, brands need to be honest about them. 

Its Purpose of Use

This is one of the most important things that should be there on your product packaging. You have to add information such as the intended purpose of use and how to use it (if you can). Mention the purpose of the product on the label as well whether it’s a deodorant or a moisturizer. 


This section covers all the additional information which you want to provide your customer with such as the address or contact details of your company or your brand story in a nutshell. 

Tips for Designing Soap Labels that Deliver What the Product Is Promising

Now that you have a successful understanding of the things that should be a part of your soap label, comes the next stage which is adding depth and character to your otherwise hollow label. Listed below are some of the useful tips which you should follow: 

Identify the Product

As we have mentioned this part previously, you have to properly understand the category of products in which your product falls. Check out the list of CPSC and FDA and understand the type of product which you are procuring for the customers. Because the use and other associated stuff changes from product to product. If your soap is liquid its use will be different from the solid soap. This is the sort of information which you have to provide your customer with. It is essential and non-negotiable. Therefore the first step before designing a catchy label for your soap brand is to understand the product type. 

Market the Brand

The next step involves providing the customer with as much information as you can in the most creative manner. You have to understand how your brand can be and should be presented to the customer in the window of the product label. It is a trick thing to ace and the brands who ace this thing can enjoy the perks of premium marketing. It’s like killing two birds with one stone. That’s where creativity will provide you with the necessary market edge. 

Insights About the Ingredients

Yes, it is important and yes, your customers want it. Building your customer’s knowledge about your product is not just something which falls under international compliance, it is something which is expected from a brand. When people pick a product in a retail market, they immediately turn it over to read the contents. It’s just like buying a book. When you are out there in the market, you take out a book and read the summary or quick reviews on the backside of the book. This immediately builds your knowledge. This is exactly what the ingredients on the label do for the customers. The ingredients give them insights into what is present so that the customer can see if they are allergic to something or not. 

Share the Story

It is not just the what that intrigues the customers, it’s the hows as well. They are not just interested in what are the ingredients which are present in the soap, they also want to learn about how the ingredients are processed to form the said product. Share your story by telling them about how you harvested the materials, how you processed them, where it all went together and what makes your processing methods different from the crowd. Earn brownie points from your customers, by letting them know about it all. 

Choice of the Right Material

This one directly coincides with the shape and form of your product. If your soaps are handmade you should try to use kraft paper because it provides the right dose of rustic look to your products. On the other hand, if your product is more on the contemporary side then you should try the durability of a corrugated material. Thus, the material should directly link with the sort or type of soap which you are producing for your customers. Brands should also be cautious of the right materials because they have to ship and transport the products from one place to another. Therefore while choosing the material, keep in mind that it should be by the shipping requirements of the customers. 

Play Around with Shapes and Sizes

Last but not least, play around with different sizes and shapes of the soap boxes until and unless you have a shape or size which suits your brand the best. They say that the sky is the limit and that is so true in terms of determining the right size and shape for your product. You have to procure those shapes that market your product in the right context. Understand your customer base and do things how they like. 

The Bottom Line

The aforementioned context is a strong narrative which successfully highlights the many ways in which your brand can make conscious decisions regarding your brand image and recognition. Keep these tips in mind, the next time you are out there searching for creative ways to stylize your soap label.